Hello Bar

jeudi 25 avril 2019

Chocolate, My Next Aventure and Vulnerability

Hi There!

Barely recovered from last week's emotions after the terrible accident of Notre Dame Cathedral, here I am in full organisation for Easter (and being caught in the act of increased consumption of food and chocolate), and especially the first week of school holidays ...

Like you (I hope) I wanted to slow down a bit to take time to be more present with my family and relax a little gardening weeding... I love spring and I could spend all my days in the garden with all the colourful flowers, trees and birds chirping happily.

My Next Adventure

Next week's article will be dedicated to the wonderful progress of all the participants of the Tree of Life SAL..and yes we'll already be the 30th April! Then I'll explain why I'll be in the TGV on my way to Paris..but that's  for next week .. in the meantime I'll give you a little photo clue. 

Can you guess what I'm going to do in Paris next week? You're starting to know me well .. I'm sure you'll find it! I'd love you to add your answer below this article!

New Subscribers
I am delighted to welcome all the new embroiderers and needle and thread enthusiasts each week and I wanted to welcome all those who have subscribed since last week and thank you very much for following me!

I am very proud that our community is growing little by little and that I can share my creations and colour and wellness tips with you all! You're wonderful and I want to help you be happier!

To find out a little bit more about me I invite you to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and why not listen to my new Podcast!

Recommended Discovery
A few days ago I discovered a film on Netflix that I found great. The film is called The Call to Courage with Brené Brown. 

Brené Brown is a certified social worker. She later obtained a doctorate in social work, in 2002 at the University of Houston, where she is a researcher. Her research focuses on vulnerability, courage, value or shame, themes on which she has published various works.

Link to Netflix
In this film she adresses an audience (with a lot of humor) about courage, vulnerability and shame ... in a very simple, frank and funny way that resonates easily with everyone.

I laughed and cried all along. It's a feel good film that makes you think about your life and how you live it! I highly recommend it as well as watching her  TED talk on Youtube. She is a sensitive, intelligent and moving woman.

Tell me if you watch it and what do you think?

Wellness Quotation

Before leaving you for this week, I wanted to share a quote I read yesterday. I find it touching and so very true.

I really hope that it'll resonate with you and that it'll help you to be strong in your life and to have the confidence to do everything you want because YOU CAN!

That's it for this weeks folks.. thank you for reading my article and I wish you a wonderful week full of crosses, colour and light.

Happy Stitching!

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