Hello Bar

jeudi 27 février 2020

What is a Stitcher's Holy Grail...

Hello There!

After last weeks extract from my mini guide How Cross Stitch Can Literally Save Your Life,  all about how stitching keeps you healthy and in good mental shape, I wanted to thank all of you who asked for a copy and gave me some great feedback.
This week I'll be sharing an article I wrote a couple of years ago that'll follow on from that, all about the Stitchers Holy grail...TIME! 
I'm going to give you 3 tips to manage your time better in order to be able to stitch more!

Having had lots of conversations with different stitchers over the years, I've noticed a pattern that always comes up during these conversations. It's the same thing that comes back over and over..the biggest problem that you all have is a lack of ....TIME!

It's the same for me don't worry! It's the same for anyone passionate, or multi-passionate person like you! I'm sure you like to do many things with your hands..I am wrong? Stitching, Knitting, Crochet, Patchwork, Painting, Drawing. Gardening...the list goes on!
You can't watch TV without doing something... otherwise it's a waste of time for you, right?

These 3 easy-to-follow tips will help you manage your precious time, and I hope you'll be able to devote yourself more to your passions once you've read them!

I've learnt that we have to take time out for oneself ... in order to stay positive and fit! When we spend most of our time working, then looking after family and home, and housekeeping, and the gardening, and ironing..then ... STOP! The list is never ending .. and at the end of the day we realise we didn't do anything for ourself ..it can be really frustrating and it's a real shame. 

To remedy this, there is a tool to free up time for yourself, and it's called planning ahead..it's simple but effective!
By planning your day, hour by hour, you designate the tasks to be done and when to do them. Each task will have its moment to be done during the day. Among this schedule, include 30 minutes or more if you wish (or can), to stitch ... and you will see that you will be able to do it ... The fact that it is integrated in your plan means that, you've done all the rest and that this time is for you..and you will stick to it.
Try it out, you'll see it works!

Reduce the size of your stitching projects! Whenever possible, choose small projects to do. This will allow you to see a faster progression and you will remain more motivated to stitch and finish it. You won't get bored and find that the embroidery is too long or painful this way.

Personally I always have several small projects in progress ... or a big one and a small one at the same time... it allows you to change projects.  If I start to find it's taking too long or that I have the impression that i'm not progressing quick enough..I swap! Often when we put something aside for a little while, it's clearer or easier when we come back to it isn't it?
You'll reduce your pile of charts and kits to finish in no time!

There is scientific evidence that stitching (among other things) is good for you. We saw that in last weeks article. It acts on your brain, stimulates the neurotransmitters (hormones)  and is an alternative medicine within itself!

The repeated actions of stitching,  allow your brain to relax from pressure and stress. You relax while stitching. Let yourself go when you stitch. Let your mind wander ... you will see how the problems in the back of your head will emerge and you'll find solutions to all them with very little effort!

When you're more relaxed you're happier, and so are the people around you. When you're happier you can move faster in your to-do list and save more time for stitching!

I hope that these 3 tips will help you to gain time, accomplish more and especially help you feel good! You deserve to!

If you liked these 3 tips, please write a comment under this article and please feel free to share this article with your friends on your social networks, so that they can also benefit from it ! Encourage them to subscribe to my newsletter, either on the blog here, in the bar at the top, or on my online shop!

I appreciate your loyalty and help with spreading the word about Tom & Lily Creations! Have a great week full of cross stitch, colour and light!

Happy Stitching!

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