Hello Again!
How has your week been? I hope that you set aside some time for yourself and did something to make you feel good and content? Maybe a bit of reading, going for a walk in the autumn sunshine (or spring depending where you are right now), cooking with your children or partner, or maybe some cosy stitching or knitting?
This week I wanted to concentrate on the well being aspect of my blog rather than directly talk about stitching. I wanted to share an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Ho'oponopono. Have you heard of it before?
It's a great way to calm yourself in a situation that annoys you or when you're triggered by someone or something they've said. When done on a daily basis it can help you be more positive and actually improve so many things in your life.
Etymology...What does Ho'oponopono actually mean?
"Hoʻoponopono" is defined in the Hawaiian Dictionary as:
(a) "To put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up make orderly or neat, administer, superintend, supervise, manage, edit, work carefully or neatly; to make ready, as canoe men preparing to catch a wave."
(b) "Mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right (hoʻoponopono) through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness."
So the Hawaiian word translates into English simply as correction. It's a very simple way of putting things right inside of your mind of hitting the reset button, which in turn you help the people around you. This small ricochet causes others to to the same and little by little society calms itself down and agression lulls.
Similar forgiveness practices are performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Traditional Hoʻoponopono is practiced by Indigenous Hawaiian healers, often within the extended family by a family member. There is also a New Age practice that goes by the same name and that is what I'm going to share with you today.Modern Ho'oponopono
It's all about giving yourself space and filling your own cup. When you know yourself, love yourself and forgive yourself you'll feel complete. Once you feel great about yourself, having to help others or deal with their problems or do day to day occupations, you won't feel frustrated about having to and you'll give back to them naturally and happily.
When you say the four phrases that make Ho'oponopono what it is, you'll be letting go and doing yourself the world of good.
This practice, when done regularly, can help you reduce stress and control your emotions when your confronted with a "negative" situation.
When you let go of anger and resentment and show gratitude and forgiveness using this method you become neutral to the negative situations that arise before you and you'll find a positive solution fast without emotionally implicating yourself.
You'll recognise that often anger from another person is maybe directed at you physically, but it usually means that the person is angry at himself and it unfortunately comes out on you. Instead of being triggered by them you remain calm and don't enter into the usual aggressive reaction of having an argument.
You'll notice that your relationships with others will improve, become easier all just because your relationship with yourself is better!
All of the above reasons help to improve your life and to help you feel happy, and that my friends is one of the most important values in life is it not? If you're happy everyone around you is too!
Ho'oponopono Method
Nothing could be simpler! Recite these four phrases in your head, or out loud everyday or when you feel the need to. A good time is when you wake up to prepare your day, and before you go to sleep to have a calm night.
You don't have to think of a situation or person to direct them too, it's between you and your vibrations!
I'm Sorry
I Forgive You,
Thank You,
I Love You
Feels weird? Don't worry and don't judge yourself..just give it a go and see how you feel afterwards?
- So have you already heard of this practice?
- Do you already do Ho'oponopono?
- Do you have any good examples of why it works for you?
- Are you going to give it a go?
Let me know your answers in the comments below this article, or send me a mail if you prefer: tometlily@hotmail.com
Next week I'll be in Paris for the next level training in my chromo therapist course, but i'll try and write a quick article for you..but don't be surprised if nothing appears!
I'll also be starting to send out the Stitchers Advent Calendars next week so keep an eye on the postman!
If you would like to have more information on the different calendars or like to buy one please have a look here: http://bit.ly/AdventCal2019
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Stitchers Advent Calendar 2019 |
Have a great week, maybe using the Ho'oponopono phrases! I wish you many stitches, colour and light!
Happy Stitching!
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