Hello Bar

jeudi 4 octobre 2018

Treat Your Soul!

Hello My Friend

Wow this is my first article of the month and it's already October and the autumn season has already begun! Falling leaves and colder temperatures..ideal for stitching snug inside by the fire!

I'm sharing a quote today that I invented just for you! I'm an adept how about you?

Have you heard of the letting go principle ? We're hearing more and more about this, thanks to the Slow Life way of thinking (amongst many others) ...

Definitions I found on the web:

  • A means of psychological liberation consisting in detaching oneself from the desire for mastery.
  • "Some people need to always control everything, they don't accept their limits and perceive letting go as a real weakness." Letting go does not mean giving up, it means progressing, getting rid of unnecessary weight and sometimes even changing the way we perceive things. - (Melissa Pekel, "When letting go is necessary: ​​5 signs that do not deceive"
  • Letting go invites you to live fully each moment, without clinging to the past or known reflexes, without tense.

Without realising (or not) you do it every day, when you hand stitch. The moment you take your needle in hand, or even just thinking about stitching, the process of letting go is triggered. You control nothing more than the crosses on our canvas and make the most of the "now".

You feel good when you stitch right ? It acts on you like meditation because you leave the worries of everyday life, work, family, and your responsibilities aside. You concentrate on your stitching and this allows your thoughts to wander, to find answers to your questions, even to find solutions to your problems.

It's a real psychological release and a way to release pressure ... a valve that you allows you to let off steam and thus reducing hassle and stress. Most of the time without even realising it!

Embroidery is a real gift that you give to yourself and I congratulate you for taking this time for yourself and encourage you to do it as much as possible to feel and reap the benefits.
How else do you practise "letting go and mindfulness? Do you do yoga or meditation?

Please share your ideas and feelings with me by leaving a comment under this article. It really interests me to know if you agree with me and how you live "letting go".

Happy Stitching!

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